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When Is It Safe To Start

What’s most important is how YOU are feeling. Often baby massage is the first mum and baby group people join. I understand that can be scary and I am here to support you through that daunting first class where you’re not sure how little one will be, or if they will cry (which they will, and THAT IS FINE). There is zero judgment, whether you turn up in your pyjamas still or need to have a cry because it’s been a tough night, I am here to support you through that as will all the women in your class.


For some, the thought of being at home all day is tough, in which case if this is you and you are keen to get up and out and into a group of local mummies, I welcome any mums feeling that way as early as you want. On the flip side, birth and newborn life is challenging, and it can feel different for everyone. If you’ve had a caesarean birth for example, then naturally you are unable to drive for the first 6-8 weeks, so should wait until you are able to if that’s how you plan on getting here. It’s also totally okay to take your time healing and be compassionate towards yourself and wait until you feel ready if that’s longer than you first thought. My classes will be here when you’re ready.


More often than not, mums tend to start between 3 weeks and 16 weeks however, as mentioned above, it’s okay if you are outside of those windows, by just a few weeks.

The only thing we need to be mindful of is, it isn’t suitable for babies who are on the move and hoping to get crawling imminently, because they will find it more distressing than relaxing being made to lay still for a massage when all they want to do is look around and explore.


What To Expect

Between weeks 1 -5 you will learn all the elements of how to offer your new baby a soothing full body massage, learning a new body section 1 week at a time to ensure we do not over stimulate the babies with too much, too soon. After each massage session we sit back and get comfy on the bean bags provided while enjoying tea & biscuits, hot chocolate or a good strong coffee if caffeine is the answer. Whatever you fancy, it's all yours & for once, you can actually enjoy it while it's still hot!


Week 6 we venture out of the studio and to a very cute & cosy tea room which you have all to yourselves so you can spread out and mingle amongst each other as you please. This final part of the course gives you the chance to connect and strengthen the friendships you’ll have already started making on the previous weeks so far and hopefully this will be the first of many meet ups outside of the studio.



All bookings are made online via the booking calendar below. Simply scroll along to the date of the course you'd like to sign up for and you'll see the different class time options. Click on the time you'd like and follow the instructions to make payment. Once booked on, you will received a confirmation email



The total cost of all of the above is £95.


This includes your 5 weeks of Baby Massage followed by an additional 45 minutes in the studio after every session with all yummy refreshments provided, so you aren’t in a rush and can enjoy the social side of it for both you and your baby.


A 30ml bottle of baby massage oil to keep and practice with.


Video content sent each week so you can practice the massage between session, helping you see the amazing results.


It also includes your week 6 social, Afternoon tea, so you will not have to make an additional payments on the final session.


Happy Mum & Baby in Baby Massage course

2024 Courses

It doesn't matter if your baby is 2 weeks old or 3 months old, it's still a great time to start. As long as your baby isn't crawling, it's perfect!
THURSDAYS - With Grace

9th January - 13th February
10:30am - 11:45am FULLY BOOKED
12pm - 1:15pm FULLY BOOKED

MONDAYS - With Grace

20th January - 24th February

10:30am - 11:45am


12pm - 1:15pm

Only 7 spaces per time slot so please ensure you book in asap if you are hoping to do the same time slot as a friend.

Scroll along to the date of the course you'd like to book where you will see the time options. You cannot switch between class times.

Please note, as the next courses will not begin again until January, it's completely normal to have babies a little older than usual in the January course as there is never a new course started in December.

Therefore, if your baby has arrived in late September/October, it's absolutely fine to book onto the January course still. It's just important babies are not crawling for this class.


©2019 by FH Yoga & Hypnobirthing

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